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Personalised Patented Voice & Text A.I Lead Generation On

+ Medium Articles, CRM Sync, Mailbox Sync, Combined Inboxes, Social Media Content Writers, Schedulers & More !

So, how does it even work?

Your Digital Double

We partner with you to create a custom digital version of yourself, capable of voice and text-based communication on any platform. Powered by our patented technology, your Digital Double effortlessly handles marketing, sales, and social interactions, significantly enhancing your reach and engagement.

Your Ideal Audience

Our proprietary bots are meticulously designed to identify and target audience personas that are most aligned with and receptive to your unique offerings. Once done, we optimise your social media Profile to best suit your IC.

Meet Them.

Your Digital Double, equipped with our patented tech, engages your target audience by scheduling meetings, selling products, and inviting leads to webinars—all based on your specific preferences. It conducts in-depth market and lead research, performs personality analysis, and crafts messages that resonate deeply with each recipient. 

Dynamic Pitch (Optional)

Your Digital Double ensures that the right campaign or offering is delivered to the right recipient based on their unique background, enhancing personalization and boosting conversion rates.

Clients On Our Bot Recommended IC

High - 62%
Low - 32%

Acceptance Rate

From over 10,000 Datapoints Across Geographies, Industries and Use Cases.

High - 40%
Low - 20%

Response Rate

Only Includes Decision Makers in Organisations Worth 1M+.

High - 25%
Low - 20%

Booking Rate

All Meetings Booked after setting stage for the right conversation by the bot.

Average 98%+

Confirmed IC

As confirmed by our clients. They met people in the right industry and Niche Desired. 

Sale !

Sales used to rely on personal skills. With Dainin’s Meeting Planner and Lead Research Bot, you can now tailor pitches to each prospect, significantly boosting your chances of closing deals. 

Bespoke . Unique. You.

Innovation that transforms lives and businesses. Our journey is driven by a passion for artificial intelligence, designed to empower us & our clients to achieve more. Imagine a world where AI not only enhances productivity and profitability but also brings a personal touch to every interaction. This is the world we are building, and we invite you to be a part of it.

Personal AI Writer

Image Generation

Intelligent Content Creator

Digital Doubles

LinkedIn Follow-Up Generator

Lead Analysis & Meeting Planner

Brand Research Tool

Task Manager

Personal AI Writer

Image Generation

Intelligent Content Creator

Digital Doubles

Social Media Automation

AI Lead Analysis & Meeting Planner

Advanced Brand Research & Analytics

Task Manager

Why Us ?

Unlock the power of AI tailored to your business. Our patented NLP algorithms and advanced LLMs create personalized, template-free campaigns that truly connect with your audience, helping you build stronger relationships and stand out in your industry.

15+ Countries

Patented Tech

48 Hour Rapid Delivery

100% Personalized

Patented Tech

48 Hour Rapid Delivery

15+ Countries

100% Personalized

Our Algorithms deliver qualified leads at crazy competitive CPC rates, backed by a 7-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. Our expertise spans across Automotive Manufacturing, Healthcare, FMCG, Retail, Finance, IT, Coaching, Consulting, Hospitality and more.

Ready for results? Schedule a meeting, share your goals, and pay only if you're satisfied after you’ve connected with 3+ leads in the first week.

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